Stress from work or school is one of the main reason why depression has increase rapidly in the county. The world is changing in a fast pace, so we have to adapt quickly to the changes, but we get stressed out if we couldn't catch up with the pace. We are pressured by our boss in work especially in critical situation. When parents and teachers have high expectation, it will gives loads of pressure to a student. That particular student will tend to overwork and be hard on themselves. It will eventually lead to depression. There are also cases where teenagers or adults commits suicide due to depression. Over-stressing individual became depressed as they thought of nothing but work and problems faced. Hence, stress can lead to depression.
Moreover, depression can be cause by bullying. Bullying has become a serious problem in the society. Bullying can cause damage to one's mental health, no matter if it's in any form of bullying. The current issue where a student died of bullying is a form of physical bully. Yet, cyber-bully is the main reason of leading people into depression. Cyber bully is done through the internet and social media. People bully one by attacking them with words. For example, people are body-shaming on a girl through Instagram, this could lead the girl into depression for overthinking. There are many cases out there about artists, singers or TV personalities getting depression, where is all caused by cyber-bullying. The most recent one is the death of Chester Bennington from Linkin Park, he was said to be committing suicide because of cyber bully which lead him into depression. An action of a celebrity will always get attention from the public, and the public especially those netizens who always leave comments on celebrities' social media sites. Some people who are very sensitive and don't know how to handle critism will get depressed. Thus, cyber-bully has to put on a stop in order to get rid of depression in the society.
People who have low self-esteem are tend to fall into depression. They are usually not confidence in themselves. Sometimes this kind of people will act happily like nothing ever happen infront of the public even if he or she is facing a serious problem. They may be the happy pills to the others but they might be sad inside. Depression comes when situation like that happened. They have no one to talk to or we can that they keep everything to themselves. Loneliness always strike to people who have low self-esteem, they feel lonely even if they are with a bunch of friends. When others critise them for one particular small matter, they tend to overthink and this causes depression. For example, Robin William, a famous British actor and comedian die due to depression. He is always smiling and being positive in front of TV shows, but he actually has been diagnosed with depression. People with low self-esteem shows no symptoms, therefore it is also a critical reason that lead to depression.
As a conclusion, depression can be caused by stress, bullying and having low self-esteem. With the increasing rate of depression in the community, people should find ways to avoid depression as it could lead to death if its severe.