Today we did something really fun in the hall. Actually we don't know what is the new jadual for today cause they changed it in a sudden. So we just study with any teacher that came in. Then, after recess, we were back to our class but we don't know what subject are we supposed to prepare or whatever is it. Then someone came in and told us that Cikgu Masyita called us to go to the school hall to help on teacher to arrange the tables and chair for a function for teacher tomorrow. I was like 'why always us?' cause when we were form 1 and form 2 we were also called to help teacher on something. By the way, never mind, cause our class was special. Then we started to arrange the tables and chair. Boys and girls all together and helped each other. In a short time, we already finished our job. All of us gather at the stage there and suddenly there was some piano sound. Oh dear, Jiunn Kar was playing the paino. Actually, when we were still in class, Yijuin was trying to do her piano theory and then Jiunn Kar came and interrupt, he said that to play piano, the theory is the easiest. Then everyone went over to the piano there. Abigail was the first to played the piano. Since many of my classmate know how to play a piano, especially Li Ying, Yijuin and Abigail. Then everyone wanted Li Ying to play a song 'Kiss the Rain' by piano. At first she doesn't want to but everyone wanted to listen, so I tried to persuade her? Whatever. At last she played the song. The song is so nice. Nabeel and Amirul also played the piano. The played the song 'Thank You You'. We were there playing so fun. The teacher even doesn't want to care about us. As a conclusion, Li Ying is the best pianist in out class. Fortunately, I don't know how to play a piano, cause I only know how to play a drum. My classmate also asked me to play the piano, but I seriously don't know how to play a piano. Was good, cause there was no drum set there. At last, we were forced to go back to our class.
It was so fun. The relationship between us are about 2 years time, is going into the 3rd year.
I hope we really can be together always, but is impossible I know.
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