Try this, its kinda true. Its a 'wish comes true test' I guess. But I have not experience it before. Just that the fact in there is quite true for me.
Try this, its kinda true. Its a 'wish comes true test' I guess. But I have not experience it before. Just that the fact in there is quite true for me.
This day is more terrible than the day before. Because we are going to check our marks for every subject.
In the morning, we didn't know anything about it. We are still happily coming to school with hand full of textbooks that needed to be returned today.
Just a sudden, Mr. Affendi came in to our class, and called every pupils whom the exam code is from 60 until 120 to gather in our class. He said that he is going to let us check our marks. He called give the paper out according the numbers. When he called me, I go to the front and take it. My face brighten up, I got xx marks for math! That's a great record for myself. The others took it too, but they seemed to be disappointed with it. Although they got higher marks than me. Is okay, they have higher expectation.
Then we went to returned out textbooks in SPBT room. Then we talk about it again. We got news that we are checking every subjects todat. That horrified many people.
After recess, we got to check with our Science paper. Most of the form 3, walked around to find our respective teacher who marked our paper. I went into the science lab to check my own paper. When I calculate my marks, I felt disappointed but soon I recover. Then proceed to KH lab.
Many people cried and broke down because of the bad result. And again, I'm not going to tell who is them. Everyone like having their last day on the world, hugging here and there, comfort each other. Today is the worst day for form 3 I guess. The other form seems to having their good times playing since they finished their finals.
Then I got my English marks. I got xx for English. Another new record. Yeah, teacher did point out my weakness, and I admit it because that's really the truth.
Lastly, the KH paper. I got xx for it. Quite happy for that, with the improvement compare to the trials one.
Form 3, good luck for everything coming to us in the future.
We are going to take our bm marks next week.
Although we are really unfortune and maybe some felt unfair, but to be honest, we'll be the best of the rest and the most unique one.
I started fall into Narnia world when I first watch it when I'm 8, if I didn't miss. The Chronicles of Narnia-Prince Caspian was my first Narnia movie. Then I watched all the other 2 films and also read the whole series of books. That's really good, and I love it very much. I called myself a Narnian.
Later, in 2014, when I'm 15 years old. I watched The Maze Runner movie. That's really impressed me. I think I'm having my puberty, I felt that Ki Hong Lee that portrayed Minho inthe movie, is the best I'd met even more than BB. Yeah, I fell for TMR series. Then I started to involve myself in the fandom. I only finished reading The Maze Runner, there is 3 more books to go and 1 more book to be published. And I called myself a Glader.
After that, I watched Harry Potter movies with my friend. Then I fall into it. I finished all 8 movies in total. That's great! The casts portrayed the characters really good. And I love it. I wanted to read the books but I hasn't got one. So will start reading it when I got one. I know is a little bit late to fall for Harry Potter, but me myself always wanted to fall into it when I got the chance. Yet, I called myself a witch from Gryffindor.
All of them is my love. The Chronicles of Narnia, The Maze Runner series, Harry Potter. I always imagine it. I hope they always there. Of course the fictional characters alongside with the casts.
Today, we were told that our Chinese teacher is giving our result for PT3 BC PAPER. Is quite a horrible thing to say.
This is the very first day of me going to school for this week. We, form 3, were told to move to the Dewan Bunga Raya in our school hostel. Our counselling teacher, Mr. Roffi, was the one incharge of us for our school life after PT3. We were told that today we are having sports activity. Girls are playing bola jaring, while boys are playing futsal. I don't know but Yijuin wants me to join her group but her group was full. I do not really want it but all of them want me to. So I joined.
Then, girls moved to basketball court, while boys moved to the multi-purpose court. To be honest, is not fun at all. They just played on their own. No wonder we the Chinese doesn't join them. Okay, I don't want to talk about this topic although we knew much more than this.
During the recess time, we all gather in 3 Jaya class, we ate and play UNO together, to let ourselves relaxed and die together later. Then recess time ended. We all walked together to find teacher. Teacher is walking to block E where the form 1 and form 2 are there. We all are worried that teacher might have give out our result infront of them. Phew, luckily teacher changed her mind and told us to go to the school's hostel.
Teacher called us one-by-one follow the name's arrangement. That's horrible, everyone is worried. After that, we all sat down and discussed about it. I got the lowest mark overall, but I'm not sure whether I can say out or not so I'm not telling it. We just discussed among ourselves. Yeah, someone did cry, and I'm not telling who is the someone. The highest marks of it is quite low. But at the time, I'm grateful that I got the lowest marks among everyone, just because at least no one will cry or being sad about it. That's really what I'm thinking at that time.
Yeah, of course I did disappointed to myself. But for me: 'Let me disappointed for a second, after the one second, I, stand up and face the reality.'
I hope they didn't mind that much. Together, let's fight for it, #CinaGang.