Tuesday, 22 March 2016


4 shocks hit me in not more than 4 hours. It came in continuously.

First of all, I had Biology class, and teacher told us that they're some of us who get single digit number in our Bio exam. I'd actually prepared for the worst since my first encountered with the exam paper because it was so confusing. 

Then, I had Chemistry class right after Biology class. Teacher was giving out our exam papers. The class before that was 5M, one of my friend told me that his class had many failures. And when its our turn, we got our papers and teacher let us to count our marks ourselves. That's the second shock came, I only got 44 marks! That's the worst results I'd ever get in my high school life, it really hit me hard especially when teacher were discussing about the answers. Its kinda hard for me to accept it.

After that was recess time, but my Chemistry teacher let us out 5 minutes late. 2 of my friends and I quickly rushed back to class and were about to go down to our place to surprise the 2 birthday girls. But as soon as we put down our things in our class and ready to go down, they sang birthday song to them already and with the cakes settled and most of everyone there. The 3 of us only stared at them through our class window with disappointment. I was so disappointed and upset about it, like really. They didn't even cared to wait for us or even shout for us or at least watch up to our class window. I was really upset and a little bit mad of it since it came so fast and it was the third shock I received continuously. 

Then, I had Addmath class. Teacher abruptly asked me if I could get an A for my paper, then I hestitated a second and said no. And teacher replied me with claimed that I'd done many careless mistakes in my paper. After my teacher said that, I was totally in shock and almost breakdown. This was as hard to accept as the event happened just now. Failing Addmath was the very last thing I want to do or even see in my life. 

I was totally down for almost the whole day. The mood was so damn bad for me. But after school, my friends did apologize for not waiting for us during recess time. And of course I forgave them, because we are a family. I liven up as I remembered BIGBANG and my JUJUs and TMI's characters awaiting me infront. 

Sorry if I did anything offensive to anyone, and thank you everyone for loving me though not everyone :) 

To: 5 Budi.2016


Its another bad day yet again. 

I'm sorry actually, like really. Sorry for crying. I also didn't expect that myself, but the tears just burst out and I couldn't control it. This is my first time ever in my life to cry over results, and this time I didn't fail or what instead it consider as a good marks, but it was the worst for me. I know shouldn't have said that also. All of you don't deserve that, because you are all so great. I might be counted as one of the top 3, but you guys have did your best, instead you guys were happy over it. I'm sorry for my attitude in class just now. You lot need to know that I'd cling on you guys since last year, and I'm not going to fall off that easily even I'm not that active, because you guys are part of my family for sure :) 

Lastly, I sincerely apologize for my wrongdoings without caring about your feelings. 

Friend and classmate 
of yours,
Yi Bei
Jace Wayland | F.L.E.S.H.

Click in to check out :D    

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Friday, 18 March 2016

Annual Marching Competition

Every year, my school will be having a marching competition between uniform bodies. And we compete to get the chance to compete in Zone level and so on. 

I'd join the marching team of my uniform body as usual as I did in the past 3 or 4 years. And this would be my last year to be able to compete in this competition. Of course I hope get Champion this year as last year we were only able to be runner-up. 

The marching training is held almost everyday. But as my school has a new principle, she didn't want us to use our extra class time for practices. So we have little time for it. This semester holiday, of course we have practices almost everyday. I'd been contribute as much as I can since this is my year and the last competition for me. 

But sadly, there are some people who aren't contributing. As we work as a team, we need contribution from each of the team members. This is very disappointing though. Yet there's a simply rule is that if you want to win, you need to work hard and pay for the winning. And actually this year, our marching team wasn't very good. We have only about 2 weeks time left. I hope everyone can do the best for the competition as we Form 5s are going to graduate very soon. 

Win or at least do your best and fight like a winner :) 

Now a name, soon a legend.