Tuesday, 22 March 2016

To: 5 Budi.2016


Its another bad day yet again. 

I'm sorry actually, like really. Sorry for crying. I also didn't expect that myself, but the tears just burst out and I couldn't control it. This is my first time ever in my life to cry over results, and this time I didn't fail or what instead it consider as a good marks, but it was the worst for me. I know shouldn't have said that also. All of you don't deserve that, because you are all so great. I might be counted as one of the top 3, but you guys have did your best, instead you guys were happy over it. I'm sorry for my attitude in class just now. You lot need to know that I'd cling on you guys since last year, and I'm not going to fall off that easily even I'm not that active, because you guys are part of my family for sure :) 

Lastly, I sincerely apologize for my wrongdoings without caring about your feelings. 

Friend and classmate 
of yours,
Yi Bei

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